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dried hibiscus recipe

Best Dried Hibiscus Tea Recipes

Best Dried Hibiscus Tea Recipes

Hibiscus is a flowering plant that grows in warm, tropical areas. People know these plants for their big, bright flowers. In fact, there are so many kinds of Hibiscus that the flowers are all different sizes, shapes, and colors.

hibiscus tea recipes

Because of the hot climate, it grows very well in Africa and India. Most of the time, these flowers are used in tea, but they can also be eaten or used as medicine.

There are way too many different kinds of Hibiscus plants. We use Hibiscus sabdariffa, which is the most popular one. These come in many different colors, like white, yellow, pink, red, and so on. Most of the time, the pink and red flowers are used as ingredients in food.

Dried Hibiscus Tea Recipe 

Hibiscus tea is traditionally prepared by steeping dried hibiscus flowers in hot water. This beverage has been enjoyed for thousands of years. This tea may be served hot or cold, and its preparation is quite simple. This technique of preparing tea enables you to experience the full taste of Hibiscus since you allow the flowers to soak in water that is boiling hot for a few minutes before straining the liquid and chilling it. 

hibiscus moon milk recipes

Hibiscus has a taste that is both delicious and acidic, and is a vibrant shade of red. Adding sugar , honey, or other natural sweeteners to this tea recipe helps to counteract the natural astringency of the blossoms. Still, you are free to exclude or lessen the amount of sugar if you want. If you would like, you may add any other herbs and fruits you want to this recipe.

When using dried flowers in your cuisine recipe, particularly Hibiscus, remember that they may leave a stain. Not being cautious will leave a vivid crimson color on your clothing, counters, containers, and other surfaces. When you are thinking about making hibiscus tea, you should keep this in mind and dress accordingly. 

Try this easy hibiscus tea recipe that can be enjoyed hot or cold. You can customize your recipe to fit your wellness needs and tastes including using more flower for potency or less flower for a lighter flavor and tartness. 


  • 1 cup of the dried blossoms of the hibiscus plant
  • 1/4 cup of granulated sugar or honey (more or less to your liking)
  • 6 cups of water

How to Make It

  1. Gather the ingredients. Ie hibiscus, cloves, cinnamon stick, pineapple skins
  2. Boil water and place dried hibiscus flowers and other ingredients into the boiling water. You can boil for 5 mins to extract all the essence and flavor of your ingredients, then leave covered overnight. 
  3. Pass the tea through a fine strainer, and then discard the bits in compost, leaving behind a flavorful bright red tea. 
  4. To dissolve the sugar, add it to the mixture and whisk it. You can also opt for simple syrup, which will dissolve easier. 
  5. You may warm the tea on the stovetop or in the microwave and serve it hot, or you can chill it and offer it as iced tea. Either way, it will be delicious. 

The use of hibiscus tea is associated with several health advantages.

The hibiscus plant is known to possess many therapeutic benefits, so using it in your regular routine a wise decision that is also beneficial to your health. As is the case with other types of herbal teas, the following advantages are associated with drinking hibiscus tea, which may be prepared quickly and easily:

  • Reduces the chance of developing heart disease by lowering blood pressure
  • Extremely high in antioxidants, which aid in the protection of your cells and the prevention of damage caused by free radicals
  • Booster of the immune system; boosts both T cells and B cells with potent Vitamin C content 
  • Hibiscus tea has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and assist decrease blood fat levels.
  • Reduces the severity of period discomfort, dysmenorrhea, by correcting hormonal imbalances.
  • Improves liver function while also eliminating harmful substances from the body.
  • Has traditionally been used as a “hangover cure”

hibiscus tea recipes

Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus Tea may have an influence on estrogen levels, which implies that it can have an effect on both pregnancy and fertility. This is one of the potential adverse side effects of drinking hibiscus tea.

Hibiscus is likely best avoided in the diets of pregnant women or attempting to conceive a child because of the potential risks it may provide to the developing baby since hormone levels are very particular in a healthy pregnancy. In addition to this, it has the effect of lowering blood pressure, which might be dangerous if you already have low blood pressure.

It is essential to test the efficacy of any substance with therapeutic characteristics to determine whether it works for you. It’ also advisable to consult your healthcare provider and herbalist to make sure you’re getting the most benefit from drinking hibiscus tea.

Where to get the best dried hibiscus flower for your recipes?

hibiscus tea recipes

Want to experience the benefits of all natural sun dried hibiscus tea from Africa, check out Afrivana, the leading importer and distributor in dried hibiscus flower and African Superfoods like ginger and shea butter. 

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